
Foster family opens up their home to a 12-year-old that nobody wants – soon, they realize who he really is

Growing up in a safe and loving home is far from a given for many children. Those who don’t often have just one wish, and that is to feel loved somewhere. It’s precisely this perspective that has led Kevin and Dominique Gill to welcome foster children into their home.

But when they welcomed a 10-year-old boy that no one else wanted, everything changed in their lives.

Up to a certain age, I didn’t even realize that not every child had the blessing of a mom and dad who thought the world of them.

Of course, there are millions of children the world over who don’t have the benefit of a warm and loving home. One 12-year-old boy named Andrew, from Nashville, Tennessee, knows all about that.

Literally couldn’t ask for better friends 🤞 We literally called them three days before we decided to take a quick trip to Gatlinburg for Joc birthday! My other family 🥰

Posted by Dominique Gill on Sunday, May 31, 2020

In 2018, Dominique and Kevin Gill made the decision to become foster parents to Andrew, who was ten years old.

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