
McDonald’s has turned its golden arches upside down to make an interesting statement.

To honor all women and remind them that they are all wonderful in their own way, one of the world’s greatest fast-food chain restaurants, McDonald’s, turned their famed arches upside down.

This occurred in 2018, when the corporation chose to reverse Mickey’s arches on March 8th, International Women’s Day, a “global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women.”

Some of those who noticed the change and couldn’t believe their eyes when they thought they’d entered a parallel planet thought it had something to do with the then-company’s ongoing conflict with Wendy’s. But they were completely wrong. Instead, the emblem had been inverted in a “celebration of women everywhere,” according to a spokesman.

McDonald’s decided to flip the sign at their Lynwood, CA location but kept the logos the same on social media. At the same time, personnel wore the “W”-like emblem on their shirts and hats, while restaurants served special packaging with the logo in 100 locations across the country.

“For the first time in our brand’s history, we flipped our iconic arches for International Women’s Day to honor the extraordinary accomplishments of women everywhere, especially in our restaurants.” Wendy Lewis, McDonald’s Chief Diversity Officer, stated.Lauren Altman, the company’s representative, stated that the new design was created to honor women everywhere. “We have a long history of empowering women in the workplace, allowing them to grow and succeed.”

“In the United States, we take pride in our diversity, and we are proud to share that today, six out of ten restaurant managers are women,” she continued. The company’s logo will be modified across all social media channels, and 100 locations will receive new “packaging, crew shirts, hats, and bag stuffers.”

McDonald’s isn’t the first firm to honor women and raise awareness about the significance of gender equality.

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